University of Sydney

Free Trial of Online CBT Program for Bulimia Nervosa

Chief InvestigatorUniversity SupervisorClosing Date
Sarah BarakatDr Sarah Maguire25 Feb, 2021
Chief InvestigatorSarah Barakat
University SupervisorDr Sarah Maguire
Closing Date25 Feb, 2021

About the research trial

Binge Eating eTherapy (BEeT) is an online therapy program to help treat people with Bulimia Nervosa. BEeT uses Cognitive Behavioural Therapy (CBT) and has been designed by researchers and specialists at the University of Sydney, and eStimulation experts.

BEeT involves 10 sessions, completed at your own pace over 12 weeks. Each session is highly interactive, featuring therapy videos, psycho-education, personal stories and activities. BEeT also provides a range of treatment tools, including a Food Diary and Thought Diary, and offers ongoing motivation and encouragement.

Recruitment details

As part of a research study, we are recruiting volunteers with Bulimia Nervosa (16yrs+) for a free 12-week trial of the eTherapy program.

For this phase of the trial participants may be randomised to eTherapy with support of a clinician. Due to this, individuals interested in participating in the trial must be in reasonable transportation distance of the University of Sydney.

Please contact Sarah at or (02) 8627 5690 for more information or to express interest and we will be in touch.

This study has been approved by the Ethics Review Committee (RPAH Zone) of the Sydney Local Health District (Protocol No. X18-0486).

Sarah Barakat