Professor Ian Caterson


Professor Caterson is a member of the Advisory Council for the InsideOut Institute – Australia’s first institute for research and clinical excellence in eating disorders that aims to provide every Australian living with an eating disorder access to the best possible care, by re-thinking eating disorders from the “inside out”.

Professor Caterson is the Foundation Director of The Boden Collaboration for Obesity Nutrition, Exercise & Eating Disorders and is Boden Professor of Human Nutrition at the University of Sydney (since 1997). He is the Deputy Clinical Stream Directed for Aged, Chronic Care & Rehabilitation for the Sydney Local Health District, and the Academic Clinical Director of the Charles Perkins Centre RPA Clinic.

Professor Caterson is the President of the World Obesity Federation, and chairs the Australian and New Zealand Bariatric Surgery Register steering committee.

Previously Professor Caterson was Senior Staff Specialist and Director of Clinical Endocrinology at Royal Prince Alfred Hospital, where he established the first multi-disciplinary weight management service in Australia in 1984. He was also Head of School for the (then) School of Molecular and Microbial Biosciences (2003-2006).

Professor Caterson has published 242 research publication, 33 journal articles, 3 books and 36 book chapters. He has presented at over 135 international meetings and more than 150 national meetings. He has supervised 30 PhD students and teaches Medicine and Science in post-graduate medical training.