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Launch of National Eating Disorder Recommendations for the Fitness Industry

InsideOut Institute has teamed up with Fitness Australia to release new national recommendations for the identification and support of people with eating disorders in the fitness industry.

19 Feb, 2020

Centre for Clinical Interventions NEW Online Body Image Workbook

The Centre for Clinical Interventions have launched a new online self-help publication designed to help understand the factors that keep you overly focused on your appearance, and introduces strategies to less the impact.

13 Feb, 2020

Carers Toolkit: Survey Call Out for People With Lived Experience and Carers

Help InsideOut develop a new eating disorder carers toolkit by completing a survey and sharing your experiences.

11 Feb, 2020

MJA InSight: "Eating disorders: aligning the MBS with evidence"

Dr Sarah Maguire's latest article for MJA Insight explores the changes to the Medicare Benefits Schedule (MBS) for eating disorders and what it means for mental health care delivery in Australia.

8 Oct, 2019

InsideOut Institute Awards for Research Excellence

Congratulations to Dr Simon Wilksch and Dr Adam Burt for their outstanding research presentations at this year’s ANZAED Conference.

5 Sep, 2019

InsideOut receives $3.67m Million Minds research grant for health system shake up

InsideOut awarded $3.67m from the Million Minds Mission to develop a health system research centre, to monitor early detection and treatment of eating disorders, and design new methods to ensure early treatment.

3 Jun, 2019

InsideOut eLearning program effective way to deliver eating disorder training to health professionals, research shows

A second evaluation study confirms InsideOut's eLearning program, The Essentials, represents a new and effective way to train Australian health professionals in eating disorders.

27 May, 2019

National Consultations Kick Off for Eating Disorder Research and Translation Strategy

InsideOut is today launching our National Consultations to deliver a strategy for research into eating disorders, and its translation into prevention, early intervention and treatment.

16 May, 2019

InsideOut commends NSW Government for $9.6m boost to deliver eating disorder care

The InsideOut Institute commends the New South Wales Government for today announcing a $9.6 million funding boost over four years to support health system reform for eating disorders.

3 Feb, 2019


The Federal Government has committed $4m to InsideOut Institute over 3.5 years to develop the nation’s first hub for research and translation in eating disorders.

9 Dec, 2018

InsideOut Director Dr Sarah Maguire visits ICOMES and Maudsley Hospital for Eating Disorders in Seoul, South Korea.

Dr Maguire attended the International Congress on Obesity and Metabolic Syndrome 2018 and Maudsley Hospital for Eating Disorders

10 Sep, 2018

InsideOut’s Dr Sarah Maguire joins ABC News to discuss a new pilot study increasing therapy sessions for people with eating disorders

"This is the first [Federal Government] initiative that actually will ultimately deliver treatment services on the frontline to people with eating disorders"

13 Jun, 2018